Dry Brushing: What Is It, and Why Should We All Be Doing It?
Dry brushing is the act of gently exfoliating the skin to remove dead skin cells, stimulate lymph flow and help reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Why is this act important? Our bodies are made up of many systems, one of which is the lymphatic system-- the system is in charge of waste removal. The lymphatic system, unlike the heart, does not have its own pump. We must do things to move lymphatic fluid towards the heart, where it will be sent into the blood stream. This allows toxins held in the body to be removed. There are many self-care methods to help the lymphatic system, such as Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) massage, rebounding, epsom salt baths, infrared sauna and dry brushing.
Dry brushing is one of my favorite methods, because it’s something you can do at home in just a few minutes. This is an easy technique that will leave you feeling and looking amazing.
Here is a quick guide to how it’s done…
I recommend purchasing a natural bristled brush. This is super important. You do not want to use synthetic bristles on your skin. I also recommend finding a brush that comes with a handle. This allows you to get to those hard-to-reach areas.
It’s best to dry brush first thing in the morning on dry skin, right before you shower. Dry skin is important because you want to remove dead skin cells, and a post-brushing shower will wash away any remaining debris.
After you shower, I recommend a good, quality organic lotion or oil. Remember: our skin is an organ, and whatever you apply to it will move through your entire system.
-Start on the left side of the body at the arm. Make five circles on both sides of the hand, then five long, gentle strokes up to the elbow. Next, five circles at the crease of the elbow, then five long strokes up both sides of the left arm to the armpit. Circle the armpit five times. This is one of the largest lymphatic ports, so if you only work on two areas, this should be one of them. (I’ll share the other in a minute!)
-Repeat this on the right arm, and remember this is supposed to be gentle. You do not need to press too hard.
-Next, take the brush to the back side of the shoulder and do five long strokes from the back of the shoulder to the front, then down the chest towards the heart. Do this on both shoulders. Then make an X at the chest between the breasts and swoop under each breast.
-Next, make five long strokes starting at the back around the sides towards the abdomen.
The abdomen is the second super important area. We carry most of our lymphatic fluid in the gut, so we want to make sure to give this area much love and attention.
-Start on the bottom of the right side near the hip, stroke up the right side to just below the breast. Go across the upper abdomen towards the left side of the body, down the left side and eventually make a square across the abdomen. Once you have completed the square, start working your way towards the center in that same direction, making small circles.
-Next move on to the feet, making five circles on both sides of the feet. Then five long, gentle strokes up each leg, stopping at the knee. Then five circles at the back of the knee, five long strokes up the front of the leg to the groin and finally five small (and very gentle) circles across the groin.
-Finish the body with broad strokes up the back of each leg, making sure to go across the hips and buttocks.
Although I believe there is no getting rid of cellulite, the act of dry brushing on a regular basis will greatly improve the look and smoothness of the skin.
This process, once mastered, should take no more than five minutes and only needs to be done three-four times per week.
If you continue to do dry brush on a regular basis you will improve your immune system, help hydrate your skin, decrease seasonal allergies, boost your mood and even improve your sleep.
Self-care is vital for overall health and well-being, and dry brushing is a quick and enjoyable activity to assist in this.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Happy brushing!!